Apr 15th

Waffles Recipe

2010-04-15T17:06:00+00:00Apr 15th|Blog|Comments Off on Waffles Recipe

I made some whole wheat waffles from scratch today (with the help of a few of my tweeps who taught me how to separate an egg and fold them into the batter)! I simply followed a recipe from The Better Homes & Gardens cookbook with a few adjustments. Some of you asked for the recipe. [...]

Jan 20th

Not Guilty email

2010-01-20T05:17:00+00:00Jan 20th|Blog|12 Comments

Many of you who have seen me sing "Not Guilty" live have asked me for a copy of the following story. Matthew West, Sam Mizell, and I wrote "Not Guilty" after I shared this email I had received with them. I was so moved by the grace and forgiveness of God that I wanted to [...]

Jan 10th

Fat Camp

2010-01-10T17:24:00+00:00Jan 10th|Blog|Comments Off on Fat Camp

Ok, ok...it wasn't exactly fat camp, but that is how I jokingly referred to it among my friends. I'll explain, but first, let me back up and give you a little history. I love the holidays. Family, friends, and FOOD!!! Well needless to say, the food did me in. I gained so much weight during [...]

Dec 24th

Christmas vs. Xmas

2009-12-24T17:35:00+00:00Dec 24th|Blog|Comments Off on Christmas vs. Xmas

My entire life I've seen and accepted the abbreviated version of Christmas marked "xmas". I never really thought much about it until I realized somewhere that the "x" was actually replacing the word "Christ". I don't know how I never realized it but someone somewhere told me it was so. I vowed never to do [...]

Nov 21st

In a Pit

2009-11-21T05:15:00+00:00Nov 21st|Blog|47 Comments

When I'm in my pit: My phone doesn't work I don't want to "tweet" All I want to do is eat sleep and NOT EXERCISE!!! Many of you are worried about me...and you don't know why. Under normal circumstances I would just retreat to my pit and let no one know. But for some reason, [...]

Nov 10th

My Discoveries On My Journey To Freedom & Fitness!

2009-11-10T23:42:00+00:00Nov 10th|Blog|9 Comments

So many of you are with me on this journey to be healthy! I cannot tell you how connected it makes me feel to hear from you as you incorporate healthy changes into your life. I love hearing about the weight you have lost and the praise reports of how these changes have effected you. [...]

Oct 23rd

Union SC County Fair

2009-10-23T00:44:00+00:00Oct 23rd|Blog|3 Comments

In August my band and I accepted an invitation to sing at the Union County Fair in South Carolina. At that time, the information I received was that this was the fifth year for "Church night at the fair" and that it had been a great success previously. The promoter informed us that thousands had [...]

Oct 6th

My Birthday video contest winners!!!

2009-10-06T23:44:00+00:00Oct 6th|Blog|Comments Off on My Birthday video contest winners!!!

Well you've asked for it. So here it is! There were many videos submitted for my birthday contest. If you are not familiar with the contest, basically I asked people to send me videos of them singing, dancing, and incorporating images to my songs. I got the idea because one of my favorite things to [...]

Sep 30th

The Biggest Winners!

2009-09-30T02:39:00+00:00Sep 30th|Blog|14 Comments

It was my goal to get through an entire episode of "The Biggest Loser" without crying. I guess I'll try to reach that goal next week cuz I was a blubbering mess tonight!I don't want to spoil the episode for those Tivo lovers like me who haven't watched yet, but I really can't say what [...]

Sep 17th

Update on My Journey to Lose 100 Pounds

2009-09-17T04:06:00+00:00Sep 17th|Blog|24 Comments

As many of you know, I have been on a health quest lately. My battle with my weight has been a very difficult and very public one. The difficulties began years ago when I was a child. But the public part began with that infamous barb "Do we have a bigger stage this year" by [...]