Aug 25th

iMac for sale!

2009-08-25T23:36:00+00:00Aug 25th|Blog|Comments Off on iMac for sale!

August 25, 2008 I succumbed to pressure of all of my creative-type friends to purchase an iMac desktop computer. I already had a macbook laptop and my PC desktop was so old it was breaking down on me so I thought I'd take the plunge and go Mac all the way!Here's what I have learned [...]

Aug 18th

Bell Shoals Baptist Church

2009-08-18T01:25:00+00:00Aug 18th|Blog|23 Comments

This weekend was Women of Faith in Tampa FL. I had been looking forward to this particular event for quite some time. First of all, I have loved every show I've ever done in FL! There has always been something memorable that has happened every time I go there (and this was no exception). Secondly, [...]

Aug 12th

Twitter’s Thankful Thursday

2009-08-12T21:14:00+00:00Aug 12th|Blog|Comments Off on Twitter’s Thankful Thursday

I think many of you heard about this blog by following me on twitter. If not, and you have no idea what twitter is, then you don't know what you're missing! I invite you to join me on twitter. It is really great to keep in touch with people and meet new friends. You just [...]

Aug 12th

My new blog! Woohoo!

2009-08-12T01:29:00+00:00Aug 12th|Blog|27 Comments

Well I've finally done it! After years of posting my blogs on myspace I finally decided to upgrade to the real deal! Welcome to my official blog!  Here's what you can expect on this blog: total honesty. It's one of my curses...oops, I mean best characteristics. I'm afraid I'm just not very good at hiding [...]